Wednesday, December 12, 2012

As a Volunteer Photog

My first volunteer experience in a running event came unexpected. I received a private message from Joanne R. Raquel (who was the team leader for the photographers) asking if I will be willing to be a volunteer photographer for Michelle Estuar’s 2nd FUNd Racing event at ULTRA.

 I readily said yes and was excited to be officially part (even as volunteer) of a big racing event. I have been taking photos of runners in races which I was not registered or have ran shorter distance category and have some time to take photo of other runners. These photos were then uploaded at Team JRunning facebook page.  This probably was how Joanne got the idea to invite me.

Being part of organizing a race is not new for me. There were a couple of races we organized in our office but these were not big races. It was exclusively for our agency’s personnel. This fund raising event by Coach Michelle was my first time to be officially recognized as volunteer photographer in a race. Though I am a videographer more than a photographer, I accepted the challenge with excitement.

The event was held at ULTRA (PSC Sports Complex) last November 30, 2012. Our call time was at 2:00 am. It was also my first time to personally met Joanne. She introduced me to the rest of the photographers as they came in one after the other. Joanne was a great team leader for the photographers as she makes it a point to make us feel comfortable and generously provided us food while waiting for the event to start.  

As the event started, each one of us got into our station and did the best we can to provide runners with good quality photos. I went home afterwards with a joy in my heart knowing I became part of a worthy cause.

Congratulations to Coach Michelle and Team Titans for the successful event. May you be bless by our Lord as you continue to help others.

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