Saturday, December 4, 2010


“With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” Isaiah 12:3

There’s no doubting the joy and happiness that come from hitting that game-winning home run or last-minute buzzer beater. You’re a hero when you succeed – but what about when you miss the shot? It’s easy to be joyful when everything’s going perfect, but what about those times when things aren’t going quite as you expected? Doesn’t theBible teach us to praise God no matter the circumstances?

Learning to have joy in life is a lot like saying wedding vows. We as Christians must remember to express our love and faith “through good times and bad.” Just because life is throwing a few curve balls doesn’t mean God has stepped off the mound. God wants us to learn to find joy even on the not-so-joyous days. Once we can find that type of faith, it becomes easier to give him praise on the hard days.

Remember, God has more than just a few plays—He has the game plan for your life!
- Natalie Creech

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