Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Love your Blog Award

Last week, I received a surprise award from my sister. An “I love your blog award.” My sister and swthrt can attest, that writing is not my cup of tea. My interest in blogging came only after reading my sister’s blog, “liza’s eyeview”. It became our link to her and her family (they are in Maui, Hawaii). It also became a source of inspiration and encouragement. The reason why I started blogging was more personal at first. I just wanted to have a personal journal of the trainings in running that I have been doing and the lessons God is teaching me through these experiences. For a while, I have my family and close friends as commenters on my blog. I just continue to write and share my running experiences. To hear from readers, whom I don’t know personally was an encouragement. Like what I received from the foreign runner who commented on the “not so perfect run” article :

The foreign runner said...
I love your blog, your views and your oppinions. I went through the same story, weighing 115kg and now 80kg. Keep it up and who knows, soon you might even break 40min on a 10km.

Thank you Philip for the encouragement.

In one way or another I have touched them through the insights which God has inspired upon me. Now I know that God has opened a door for me to share my faith and the love of God through Christ Jesus. As I continue in this journey, I have other blog sites which I visit regularly to gain new friends and learn from them in my new interest in life, running. I want to thank them and give them this award too in no particular order.

In my own views
The Bull Runner

The Foreign Runner
Prometheus Cometh


There are more but as my sister’s blog puts it, as a custom in the blogosphere, there are a couple of rules for accepting such an honor!
1.)The winner of this award can put the logo on her blog.
2.)Link to the person you received your award from.
3.)Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4.)Put links of those blogs on yours.
5.)Leave a comment on the blogs of the people you have nominated as well as the persons blog who nominated you.
6.)If the Blogger you nominate has already received this award they don’t need to pass it on.


  1. Hey broj, thanks for the award! What a pleasant suprise. Kailangan ba ng acceptance speech? :)

  2. Hi jaymie, hahaha.... to know that you accepted it would be enough. Just continue to share anything about running to help more runners especially the new ones. God bless!

  3. Bro J, thanks for the award as well. As everyone knows, the blog is to help encourage and provide info for runners. Yes, it has highlights (and stumbles).

    However, it's fun and I'll conntinue doing it as long as I can. Looking forward to meeting you soon! Take care.

  4. sfrunner, your welcome. Runners need people like you to keep them informed, motivated and have fun in running. God bless!

  5. Thank you Bro J! When I started this blog it was really just for me to keep track of milestones in my running, but it has grown to be so much bigger too thanks to the people who have visited and have become known to me personally. More power to your blog too which has inspired so many reflections as well.

  6. Hi PC, acceptance speech ba ito, hahaha. Just continue to inspire runners and bloggers. God bless! See at UPD this weekend?

  7. Your sister lives in a beautiful region....
    run three times a week it s ok for me i think

  8. thanks romania, just keep on running. three times a week of run is good enough to maintain your fitness level. You may vary the intensity of runs to make it more exciting ang not boring. Thank again for visiting my site. God bless!
